Library Automation Boot Camp experience : DAY 2

 Day 2, September 4, 2012

Morning session

This is the continuation of our Circulation and Cataloging Refresher Course. Questions and clarifications were answered by Mr. Tabinas.
At the end of the training, I realized 3 things:

First, no matter how good your library software is, if the data entered and encoded is incorrect and inaccurate... All the information will be useless. It's like GIGO (Garbage In, Garbage Out).

Second, if the Heart of the School is the Library... then Heart of the Library is the Technical Services. Indeed, all details and works done by the Technical librarians and staff is very important.

Third, our clients is important. If the information is incorrect, clients will be misled and they will suffer because of the wrong information.

I recommend that all the users must attend the Follett Refresher Course to maximize the utilization of the Library Software.

Afternoon session:

CLIENT: Is your library automated?
LIBRARIAN: Yes it is!
CLIENT: How doyou say so?
LIBRARIAN: As you can see, we have computers and we have OPAC! (Online Public Access Catalog)

QUESTION: Do you agree in the Librarian's statement? Hmmmm....

The topic in the afternoon session is about LIBRARY AUTOMATION NEXT

I. Ms. Chin Avila-Castro discussed the following:
  • Social Networking
  • Consortium
  • E-book integration
II. Mr. Axel Cabrles discussed the following:
  • Web-based platform
  • Enhanced Copy Cataloging
  • Enhanced Search Information
  • Federation Search
  • Mobile Apps
III. Mr. Pedro Taberna showed the different software and database that can be used by the libraries to keep up with the emerging technologies.

Before the end of the sesssion, Ms. Chin gave us the following statement:

"Library Automation Next. When is NEXT?

As the world gets mobile and interconnected, libraries need to keep pace (Curtis, 2010)

 In this time of technology, LIBRARY AUTOMATION NEXT IS RIGHT NOW!

Mr. Axel G. Cabrles, Product Manager of EISI

Library collections can be viewed in the IPAD and Android tablets using Destiny Quest


"Every man who expresses an honest thought is a soldier in the army of intellectual liberty
