Filipino Fridays (1): Hello, Reader!

It's Filipino Friday!

This is a wonderful online event leading to the Filipino ReaderCon. As a newbie blogger, I'd like to introduce myself with a twist. Get to know what species of Book Reader is Definitely Librarian based on Infographic by Laura E. Kelly  

Here's mine:

Domain - Reader

Class  - Book Lover. Since I was a kid, I love reading books.

Family - Compulsive.

Genus - Book Cherisher. I treat books as a Love object.

Species - The Library Lover. that is why I am a Librarian. I don't have many books in our house. But I have lots of it available in the library. Fiction, Non-Fiction... Name it. We have it! 

Get to know yours too!  

What Species of Reader Are You?--Infographic
